What We Do
Hatch is focused on serving millions of smallholder farmers in rural communities and works with products that meet their unique requirements. Hatch is the exclusive distributor of its flagship dual-purpose breed, the SASSO T451, which was developed by SASSO, a global leader in heritage poultry breeding. The benefits to smallholder farmers of the Hatch breed and approach are clear:
Hatch has developed a unique Agent-driven business model to reach small-scale producers and rural households at scale. The depth and breadth of Hatch’s 16,000+ Agent network allows it to reach over 4.6m rural smallholders each year:
Hatch Africa provides a full package of chicks, feed, vaccines delivery, and training to its Agents
Agents brood 300+ chicks for 30 days and then sell them to farmers in their local community
Smallholders raise 5-20 chickens at home for their consumption and sell surplus eggs and chickens
Rural and urban consumers purchase eggs and chickens from smallholders in local markets
Hatch operates best-in-class breeding facilities, hatcheries, and feed mills to supply its growing network of Agents with high-quality chicks and feed. Across 18 breeding farms, 9 hatcheries, and 3 feed mills, Hatch strives to achieve nothing less than excellence.